Membership Application

    Your Name





    Phone Number

    Your Email

    Family Information:
    Please include spouse name and any children under 18 that intend to register a sled.

    Number of Machines

    Please describe your snowmobiles below, listing the make, model, year regisration #, and ins. co #.

    NYSSA Membership # (located on your card from last year)

    Check off your payment selection.
    $30.00 for annual membership$30.00 for annual family membership (family members 18 years and older must have an individual membership)

    Would you be willing to help us work on club trails?

    I agree with the terms and conditions below.
    I agree.

    By clicking the ‘send’ button above, I agree to the following:

    *** Agreement  ***

    I will be responsible for myself, and my family, and knowingly assume ALL risks and liabilities. In the event of fire, theft or accident, to myself, my family, snowmobiles, or other equipment, I will not hold the Enchanted Mountains Snowmobile Club Inc. responsible. In the event of damage or injury, I will not make a claim against the Enchanted Mountains Snowmobile Club Inc., its officers, or members. I submit this application upon promise to comply with ALL rules and regulations of the Enchanted Mountains Snowmobile Club Inc.

    All club snowmobiles must be registered with New York State and Carry Proof of liability insurance!!!

    Associated Fees includes your $5.00 membership in New York State Snowmobile Association (NYSSA)

    This application covers membership through August 31, 2016


    Mailing in Payment:

    Once the form above is completely filled out and submitted via the “send” button you can then mail in payment, or print, sign and mail the form in with payment to:

    P.O. Box 1042
    Bradford, PA  16701